Link up with other people to share walking, bike, and car journeys — to and from work.
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What is joinmyjourney?
joinmyjourney is a free service designed to help people across the West of England share their commute — on foot, by bike, or by car.
It's available to be used for journeys finishing within the West of England (Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire).
Create hubs for your workforce to join, or link up with people who work nearby via local area hubs.

Save money on your daily commute
Help reduce rush hour congestion and air pollution
Join hubs and meet new people to share journeys with

Are you a business
or organisation?
Register with us and create a hub that's just for your workforce
Send out invite links directly from the app to get your workforce journey sharing
Want to limit who can join? Customise your hub's privacy settings and manage users from the hub admin area

Looking to
share a journey?
Register now to link up with others to share walking, bike, and car journeys across the West of England
Search for your workplace hub to get commuting with colleagues, or ask your employer to create one
Link up and share journeys with other commuters headed in the same direction